“Viridi Valle 2024” is a scientific-educational student project designed as a biological expedition for students to the Neretva River valley, aimed at studying the entomofauna, ichthyofauna, botany, and ecotoxicological factors to assess the anthropogenic impact on the area’s biodiversity.
The Neretva valley is a site of exceptional biological diversity located within a highly developed agricultural area, making it an ideal model for the direct impact of agriculture on the environment. Various wetland, meadow, and freshwater habitats, interspersed with cultivated areas of different agricultural crops with numerous methods of cultivation, treatment, and processing, provide insight into the complex impact of food production on the environment. The information gathered from researching such areas enables the creation of protection and conservation plans for the natural resources of our planet.
The Viridi Valle project, held over a week in July 2024, covered several research areas, including: ecotoxicology of ichthyofauna by collecting samples from three selected areas of the valley, entomology through inventorying insects of the Hymenoptera, Syrphidae, Odonata, and Orthoptera groups, as well as flora inventorying. Through the implementation of this expedition, participants gained valuable experience in teamwork and enhanced their skills as young scientists. The project also included several lectures and workshops promoting the importance of wetland habitat protection and research.
You can find more about the project on Instagram (@viridivalle.bius) and Facebook profile (@Viridi Valle), or for additional questions you can contact us via our project email: viridivalle.bius@gmail.com
Project organisers:
- Davor Merkaš
- Hanna Jandrašek
- Lea Kanjuh
- Hana Jurković
Project is financed by: