Sustainable Development

Our goals:

  • educating members of our section about concepts of sustainable development, environmental protection, and their value for the society we live in
  • encouraging our members to act by the principles of sustainability, as well as promoting sustainability in everyday life
  • starting and implementing various projects in collaboration with different associations and experts, to broaden our knowledge and gain practical experience
  • gathering an interdisciplinary group of students and experts for a successful work of our section and for solving problems we address
  • collaborating with other associations, facilities, institutions, and non-profit organizations

Section e-mail:

Section leaders:

Section mentors:

  • Boris Božić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., Milvus, craft for consultancy in nature protection (
  • Dunja Delić, konzultant za zaštitu prirode, mag. oecol., Wise for Nature, craft for consultancy in nature protection (

Section activities

Posjet REGEA Energetskom centru u Bračku

U lipnju 2021. godine s članovima sekcije posjetili smo REGEA Energetski centar u Bračku gdje nas je ugostio osnivač i ravnatelj centra dr. sc. Julije Domac. REGEA je regionalna energetska agencija Sjeverozapadne Hrvatske koju su 2008.godine zajedno osnovale četiri hrvatske županije, a među njima je i Grad Zagreb. REGEA za cilj ima provođenje praksi održivog razvoja na regionalnoj razini, a fokusirana je na područje energetike, odnosno promoviranje korištenja obnovljivih izvora energije.

Uz razgledavanje Energetskog centra slušali smo predavanje o osnivanju i ciljevima REGEA agencije, ali i funkcioniranju centra kao građevine koja spaja energetsku samostalnost i održivost s očuvanjem kulturne baštine – centar je nastao obnovom starog dvorca koji je u prošlosti služio kao bolnica.

Posjet REGEA-i educirao je naše članove o zelenim temama na više razina, a posebice o održivom razvoju čijim se promoviranjem naša sekcija i bavi.


Visit to the Recycled farm of ZMAG association

Together with Eko association of University of Applied Health Sciences members, we visited the Recycled farm of the ZMAG association in Vukomerić. Our hosts, Domina Delač and Bruno Motik showed us around the farm where we had a chance to see houses made of wood, straw, and mud which have green rooftops, their little windmills, and solar panels. We also saw a compost landfill, a garden which is worked on through permaculture principles by volunteers, and members of the association, an insect hostel, a compost toilet, a plant wastewater treatment system, and a lot of other creative recycling examples and hand-made things: from houses to ceramic plate fragments. Bruno held a presentation about the ZMAG association and their work, about permaculture design applied on buildings and agricultural surfaces and its application on the micro and macro levels.