Inland Waters

Inland Waters
Fresh water takes up only 3,5% out of all water on Earth, and only slightly more than 1% of the fresh water make up inland waters such as lakes, rivers, streams, ponds and similar. That small percentage is responsible for keeping many ecosystems alive and for sustaining many daily human needs, agriculture and industries.

Main goal of the section is to spread awareness and interest for inland waters and to protect them, which is done with many different lectures and field work. Focus is put on benthic macroinvertabrates which are important bioindicators in fresh water. And since a lot of other different species live in inland waters, collaborations with other BIUS sections is very important.

Overall the section work is varied, and along with ecology and water protection there are also some geological and hidrological aspects of the waters.

Everyone is invited to join the section, so if you’re interested in inland waters and you wish to know more, join the inland waters section!


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