“Mycomicrobes” is a research project led by Mycrobiology Section and Fungi Section within the Association of Biology students – BIUS. The project investigates the symbiotic relationship of higher fungi with the local microbiota. The focus is on a potential symbiosis of ectomycorrhizal fungi and naturally occurring bacterial populations around mycelium.
The project consists of a field and a laboratory part. The field part includes the inventory of ectomycorrhizal fungi within the region Hrvatsko zagorje and the collection of soil samples from found fruiting bodies of certain species.
Fruiting bodies are photographed, sampled and inoculated on Gy nutrient plates while the soil suspension is decimaly diluted before inoculation on LB plates in field laboratory. The field part is planned to be carried out in spring and autumn season of fungal growth.
We analyze the resulting bacterial colonies and mycelial growths morphologically and by molecular methods, in case of fungi PCR will be used furthermore the growth of bacteria and fungi will be documented via photographs.
Further analyses include the processing of bacteria rich soil samples using the MALDI-TOF method. This method enables us to precisely determine bacteria colonies which will, according to our hypothesis, contributes to a higher growth rate on the forest floor.
Later phases of the project will include attempts to grow mycelia of hitherto uncultivated but commercially important mushrooms by simulating the natural conditions of symbiosis of mycelia and microbiota in in vitro conditions.