
Brioškola is an educational project of the Botany Section, its goal is to introduce interested students to mosses which are interesting and important plants for ecosystems, and to work methods in bryology. Since mosses are a very poorly researched group, we will be joined by a small number of experts from Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia who will introduce project participants to mosses through lectures, determination workshops and a field trip to Risnjak National Park. After the main part of the project, the creation of a student bryological collection and visits to schools are planned in order to transfer the knowledge and skills gained through the project to younger generations.


Project activities plan:

  • Monday (October 14, 2024) – prof. dr. sc. Antun Alegro: A systematic review of mosses and the history of bryology
  • Tuesday (October 15, 2024) – prof. dr. rer. nat. Marko Sabovljević: Conservation physiology of mosses
  • Wednesday (October 16, 2024) – doc. dr. Simona Strgulc Krajšek: How to get biology students interested in bryophytes?
  • Wednesday (October 16, 2024) – dr. Miloš Ilić: Research on the ecology of mosses – insights and challenges
  • Thursday (October 17, 2024) – dr. sc. Vedran Šegota: Distribution of mosses along the altitude gradient
  • Thursday (October 17, 2024) – Marta Rogošić, mag. oecol.: Mosses in practice – monitoring programs for Natura 2000 species
  • Friday (October 18, 2024) – dr. sc. Anja Rimac, mag. biol. exp. and Marija Bučar, mag. biol. exp.: Introduction to the determination of mosses

*lectures from Monday to Friday will be held in Zagreb in the premises on Marulić Square in the evening hours

  • Saturday (October 19, 2024) – Moss determination workshop with expert guidance

**the workshop will start on Saturday in Zagreb in the premises on Marulić Square in the morning hours and will last several hours

  • Sunday (October 20, 2024) – field trip to Risnjak National Park with expert guidance

***the field trip will last the whole Sunday, and transportation from Zagreb is provided for it


You can find more information on the Instagram profile: @bius.botanika, and you can contact us via email:


Project leaders:

  • Antonio Eršegović
  • David Grabovac